Even though we weren’t able to set up the day before due to all the rain, we had all hands on deck this morning at 5:30 am! Everything was done and ready for our incredible Walk celebrating our individuals with Down syndrome and their extremely dedicated families! We had so many new vendors this year, it was a treat to visit with them and collect goodies and resources!
Our Volunteers showed up this year ready to work, and serve in any capacity needed. Our participants were very happy with the entertainment, music and activities. All of it was made possible with the support of our wonderful Sponsors, incredible Team fundraising and your Donations. Every year we tweak things per your suggestions, and every year the Walk gets better and better!
We are thankful the weather held out, we had a lovely breeze and a welcome day of shade. We thank you all for your raffle donations, and your time and energy, all of it benefits our Down syndrome community and allows us to continue our Mission.
We are so thankful for such a generous community and for your continued support! We cannot be successful without you!
Donations will be accepted on our Walk site until December 31, 2024. Please help us reach our goal if possible. All donations big or small, help, and many hands make light work! Thank you for sharing this day with us, and for considering to make a donation!
Welcome to Broward Gold Coast Down Syndrome Org.
The Broward Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization is a family support and resource organization dedicated to serving families who have an individual with Down syndrome. Our mission is to improve the lives of people with Down syndrome and their families by providing support, information, education, and advocacy, thus enabling each individual to reach his or her full potential.
We Offer a Variety of Services
Our newsletter is published 3-4 times a year. It is jam packed with information about workshops, events, family spotlight and more. View our latest newsletter.
We provide parent education, training workshops, share information about other local workshops and resource fairs. We also provide scholarships to Gold Coast members to attend national workshops.
Social Events
We have many social events throughout the year for families, toddlers, children, teens, young adults and parents. We also sponsor many community events. Please check our calendar for upcoming events.
New Parent Visits
We make visits to new parents of children with Down syndrome. We help them get started with information and support. Families of newborns can also download the informative publication, A Promising Future Together: A Guide for New and Expectant Parents from the NDSC.