Welcome, Living Faith Lutheran Church, our new Bronze Sponsor of our Step Up 4 Down Syndrome 2024 Walk! We appreciate your generosity and support of the Broward Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization. It was so nice to meet you at the Joe DiMaggio Resource Fair and we look forward to seeing you at our Walk!
Home (livingfaithlutheran.org)
We are a small, friendly, caring congregation that opens its doors to all people, just as Jesus would. We are committed to being a community that enables individuals to grow in their faith daily, and encourages each person to embody the unconditional love of Christ. We are a little bit of an unconventional congregation as we meet weekly for worship at 9:30 am every Sunday, choosing to rent rather than to have our own building, as we truly believe that the “church” is its people, and the work that it does to spread the hope filled Gospel message. After the worship service please join us for fellowship time and refreshments so that we can get to know each other better. Our congregation was founded in 2004. Ever since, we have been an active member in supporting the Pembroke Pines Community and are seeking more people that are looking to embody what it means to Live out our Faith, not just on Sundays, but in our daily lives.